Up until the 1960s, Texas was a solidly Democratic state. Then a major change started, with Republican Kerr County Judge Julius Neunhoffer in the forefront. Many conservative Democrats turned to the Republican Party to be part of the "revolution" which over time wound up with Republicans holding all statewide elected offices for a period of time.
In 1967, Theda Schlieter suggested the Republican Women in Kerr County organize. On May 26th at a meeting in the Taco Hut on Lemos Street, the Republican Women's Club of Kerr County was formed with twenty Charter members. Charter members were Theda Schlieter, elected president; Phyllis Keidel, Sue Phillips, Elizabeth Kelley, Billie Mavor, Lorraine Dyas, Zella Morrow, Lillian Real, Mary Reiter, Virginia Cummings, Lorna Auld, Sue Hopkins, Tops Stieler, Sue Waggoman, Gladys Fawcett, Alice Johnson, Elva Duby, Geneva Neunhoffer, Mamie Webb, and Barbara Lewis.
The club grew to fifty members by September and its first big function was helping host a visit by Congressman George H. W. Bush who spoke at a Columbus Day Rally.
Any woman believing in the principles of the Republican Party and who intends to support its candidates is eligible for membership. Objectives are to be an auxiliary to the Republican Party, to support the objectives and policies of the Party, to work for the election of Party nominees, to promote an informed public through political education and activity, to increase effectiveness of women in the cause of good government through active participation, to facilitate cooperation among Republican Women of Texas, to encourage qualified women to run for office, to help promote the welfare and growth among Republican Women's Clubs and to foster and encourage loyalty to the Republican Party and its candidates.
The Kerr County club - now officially known as Republican Women of Kerr County - belongs to the Texas Federation of Republican Women and the National Federation of Republican Women. Delegates are sent to TFRW and NFRW conventions and the organization has received many awards for outstanding work.
Noteable members include:
- Charter member Barbara Lewis, President of the TFRW
- Elizabeth Rohn, served as TFRW District Director and member of the State Republican Executive Committee
- Lorraine Dyas, chosen as Republican Woman of the Year at the 1971 TFRW convention and later was awarded the only lifetime membership ever given by the local Republican Women's Club.
- Janet Rose Maltman, served as County Chairman of the Kerr County Republican Party
- Rebecca Williamson, TFRW Vice President of Programs, State Republican Executive Committeewoman for Senate District 24, awardee of the TFRW "Ten Outstanding" Award
- Capy Alexander, TFRW Deputy President of Region XI, 2009 awardee of the TFRW "Ten Outstanding" Award
- Several members have been county chairman while others have held elected positions in City and County government and served on state appointed boards and committees.
Members of the organization feel their efforts, past and present, have contributed to the change in the county from Democratic dominated politics to today's strong Republican majority of offices held in Kerr County.
Among political activities conducted by the RWKC are registering voters, studying the issues, working at elections, campaigning efforts such as stuffing envelopes, telephoning, block walking, doorbell ringing and hosting functions to introduce Republican candidates to the public. Community activities include giving flags which have flown over the U.S. Capital to local nursing homes and other facilities, donating books to the Butt Holdsworth Library, VA Hospital, local schools and every other year dictionaries to all third graders in the county. Support has gone to groups such as the Special Opportunity Center, Salvation Army, Peterson Medical Center, the VA Hospital, Doyle School Community Center, Project Love (fingerprinting small children) and Crime Stoppers. Items collected countywide and sent to troops and lunches are provided for Habitat for Humanity workers.
One of the highlights of the past few years was having Gov. Rick Perry as our speaker as Kerr County kicked off the celebration of its sesquicentennial.
Republican Women of Kerr County meet on the third Friday of each month, except June, July, and December. Meetings entail a luncheon with a guest speaker held at the Inn of the Hills, 1001 Junction Highway, Kerrville, Texas, at 11:30 a.m. The luncheon is $26. Prospective members and visitors are always welcome. Visit us on social media, as occassionally, meeting dates do change, to accommodate speakers.
Prospective members and visitors are welcome. Business dress is encouraged.
- To work for the election of the Republican Party's nominees.
- To promote an informed electorate through political education.
- To increase the effectiveness of women in the cause of good government through active political participation.
- To facilitate cooperation among local Republican Women's clubs.
- To foster loyalty to the Republican Party and to promote its principles and candidates in all elections including non-partisan elections.
THAT the right of the individual to achieve the best that is within him, as long as he respects the rights of others, is the source of our nation's strength.
THAT government exists to protect the freedom of opportunity in which each individual's creative ability can flourish.
THAT government activities should be limited to those things which people cannot do at all, or cannot do so well for themselves.
THAT the most effective government is government closest to the people.
THAT those who cannot provide for themselves should be assisted by both government and society, but that every effort should be made to help them become self-supporting, productive citizens with pride in their independence.
THAT equal rights, equal justice and equal opportunity belong to all, regardless of race, creed, age, sex or national origin.
THAT the preservation of our Nation and the security of our citizens depend upon the Constitution, the laws, and the courts, and the respect for them is the responsibility of every individual.
THAT government is accountable for maintaining sound money and a responsible economy. Individual rights, liberties and properties are continually eroded when citizens are oppressed by excessive taxation, inflation, government waste and over regulation.
THAT government is responsible for national defense and that only a strong America can remain a free America.
THAT it is absolutely essential to maintain a strong national defense posture in order that we may at all times negotiate from a position of strength, not weakness, in our continuing efforts toward world peace and friendship.
THAT these concepts are the foundation of our national strength and that the REPUBLICAN PARTY, which is committed to their preservation, is the party of today and the party of the future.
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands; one nation under God indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
Honor the Texas flag, I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, one state under God, one and indivisible.